And that is a doozy, so much so she intends to break off her engagement to Rhys, because she knows he won’t be able to abide who she truly is. That regal bearing she has stands her in good stead when she learns her past is not at all what she’s been led to believe. Despite the fact he’s a commoner, a brash and boorish one at that, when she meets with resistance from her sister-in-law about their betrothal, Helen takes it upon herself to get to the bottom line with both Kathleen and Rhys. But we discover Helen has a spine of steel when it comes to something she wants, and she wants a life with Rhys Winterbourne. Lady Helen Ravenel is one of those quiet women who don’t raise a fuss and goes about their day as they should. This is probably my favorite book of the series, and that’s saying so very much, considering how much I love all the others. But it’s that kind of emotion and turmoil that make me love characters authors toil over. Wow, I never expected the twist that comes in this story late in the book.

Historical Romance published by Avon 31 May 16 Sandy M’s review of Marrying Winterbourne (Ravenels, Book 2)by Lisa Kleypas